Following web services are available for the listed classes:

ITN-260 (Guess) * Lab Controller
ITN-261 (Kirch) * Lab Controller

Class-related links:

TCC Cybersecurity Range Troubleshooting

  1. Start at this Landing Page, then click on the "Lab Controller" link for your class.
  2. On the "Lab Controller" page, click on the "Status" button. If the Controller indicates that any labs are running, click on the appropriate lab's "Stop" button.
  3. Start the lab you are working on for the week. Note: starting your lab also starts your desk machine.
  4. To access your desk machine, click on the "Desk" link.
  5. If you still cannot connect, or you are having other issues, then click the status button on the Lab Controller and send your instructor a status screenshot, along with a screenshot of the issue you are seeing.


  • To logout, close your browser.
  • Self-registration on the RTB services will be limited to the first few weeks of class. For any other time, contact an admin or your instructor.
  • Portions of the Guacamole displays can be modified by the user. To do so, use the left-handed three-finger salute (press all of the following keys (on the left side) at the same time: Shift-Ctrl-Alt). This will bring up a side screen and allow you to make changes. To remove the side menu, use the left-handed, three-finger salute again.